How to Floss Properly: Tips for Dental Success

How to Floss Properly: Tips for Dental Success

Flossing plays a vital role in your oral hygiene routine. It reaches spots between your teeth and under your gums that your toothbrush might miss.

By doing this, it removes plaque and leftover food particles, which helps prevent cavities and gum issues. At Dimples Dental, we are dedicated to guiding Norwalk, IA residents and the surrounding areas toward excellent dental health. To make flossing a daily habit, follow our simple steps below.

If you prefer visual instructions, check out the video for a detailed walkthrough.

Play Video about Woman Flossing - How to Floss Properly

Steps to Proper Flossing

Step 1. Wind the Floss

Cut about 18 inches of dental floss. Wrap the majority around the middle finger of one hand, and the rest around the middle finger of the other hand.

Step 2. Guide the Floss

Secure the floss with your thumb and index finger. Carefully maneuver it between your teeth by moving it side to side. Ensure you don’t force the floss into your gums to prevent damage.

Step 3. Shape the Floss

When the floss reaches the gum line, curve it into a C shape against one tooth. This will help you reach the sides of your teeth and clean below the gum line effectively.

Step 4. Slide the Floss

Move the floss up and down along the side of the tooth, going below the gum line. Ensure you use a fresh part of the floss for each tooth to keep your mouth as clean as possible.

Flossing Tips for Dental Success

Now that you’re familiar with the steps to flossing, here are some essential tips and lesser-known insights to boost your flossing routine.

By incorporating these tips and lesser-known facts into your daily flossing routine, you can significantly improve your oral hygiene and overall dental health.

Best Times to Floss

Flossing at strategic times can significantly improve your oral hygiene. Ideally, flossing before bedtime is most beneficial. This practice helps eliminate the day’s accumulation of food particles and plaque, preventing bacteria from growing while you sleep.

For those who prefer morning routines, flossing after breakfast ensures you start your day with a clean mouth.

Additionally, incorporating flossing after meals can be very effective, especially if you frequently get food stuck between your teeth. Remember, consistency is crucial—make flossing a part of your daily routine to maintain optimal dental health.

Flossing with Braces

Maintaining clean teeth and gums while wearing braces is crucial. Here’s a guide to help you floss effectively with braces.

Properly flossing with braces may take a bit more time, but it is essential for preventing plaque buildup and ensuring your gums remain healthy throughout your orthodontic treatment.

Types of Dental Floss

Choosing the right type of dental floss can make a big difference in your flossing routine, especially if you have braces. Here’s an overview of the various types available:

Choosing the right type of floss can make your daily oral hygiene routine more effective and comfortable. Experiment with different types to find what works best for you.

Why Flossing Every Day is Essential

Flossing each day is key to keeping your teeth and gums healthy. It helps remove hidden plaque and food bits that your toothbrush misses, lowering the chances of cavities and gum issues.

Whether you have braces or not, picking the right type of floss and using it correctly is important. Make it a daily habit—consistent flossing keeps your mouth clean and your smile bright.

Personalized Care at Dimples Dental

At Dimples Dental in Norwalk, IA, we are dedicated to your oral health. Whether you need advice on flossing techniques, help choosing the best dental products, or professional dental services, our team is here for you.

We provide customized guidance and expert care to ensure your smile stays in top shape. Schedule an appointment with us today and take the next step toward better oral health.

Dr. Ethan Roos D.D.S., DENTIST


Dr. Roos was raised in West Des Moines, IA. He attended Valley High School and went to college at Luther College in Decorah, IA. He graduated from the University of Iowa College of Dentistry in 2004. He has attended numerous post-graduate courses in endodontics and orthodontics. He is a member of the American Dental Association, the Iowa Dental Association, and the American Orthodontic Society.

Dr. Roos is married to his wife Sara and they have 6 children. He enjoys spending time with his wife and children, gardening, landscaping, and farming with his cousin on their family farms in Avoca, IA.

Put Your Dental in Good Hands

Schedule your dental appointment today and take a proactive step towards maintaining your oral health! by calling Dimples Family Dentistry in Norwalk, IA, today at (515) 256-1176.

I've been seeing Dr. Ethan Roos at Dimples Dentistry for over 5 years and have always been happy with the care I've received here. The staff has always been very welcoming, as if you are part of the family. I highly recommend!!

Courtney Fick

Called Dimples and wish I called them first. Their receptionist was SO kind and SO helpful. Even offered to call to have my records sent to them in hopes to save me some money from doing x rays again. She was nothing but sweet! Got me scheduled within 2 days. Went above and beyond and was kind when I arrived.

Dan and Sara Carlson

Dr. Roos and his staff are incredibly professional, kind, and knowledgeable. Their pricing is also extremely reasonable, even for those without insurance. We had an excellent experience with a dental emergency exam; they also had availability to fit us in for a routine exam and cleaning after the emergency exam.

Andrea Pabody

Check Out What Others Have To Say About Our Service

Proper Brushing Leads to Happier Teeth

Proper Brushing Leads to Happier Teeth

Looking for the secret to a dazzling smile and tip-top tooth health? It’s no mystery—it’s all about brushing right! Here’s the scoop straight from dental pros: a gentle scrub twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush is your ticket to clean, happy teeth.

And don’t let an old, worn-out brush spoil the party—swap it out every three to four months, or as soon as those bristles start to bend and fray. Plus, a toothpaste with fluoride gets the thumbs-up from dentists to keep cavities at bay.

Get these basics down, and you’re not just sprucing up your teeth—you’re investing in a future filled with bright, beaming smiles.

Essential Brushing Techniques for a Healthier Smile

Kid Learning Proper Brushing

Now that we’ve got the basics down pat, let’s delve deeper into the techniques that can transform your brushing from good to great. After all, mastering the art of brushing is key to unlocking a healthier, brighter smile.

Start by positioning your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle to your gums. This angle isn’t just a random suggestion; it’s the sweet spot that allows the bristles to reach the plaque hiding along the gum line and between teeth. 

Gentle circular motions here can work wonders, dislodging hidden bits of food and plaque without harsh scrubbing.

Investing two minutes in brushing might seem like a lot, but it’s the golden rule for sparkling teeth. Imagine dividing your mouth into four zones: the upper left, upper right, lower left, and lower right.

By spending just 30 seconds on each area, you ensure no spot is missed, making your brushing routine as effective as possible. It’s like giving each part of your mouth the spotlight, ensuring thorough cleaning and lasting freshness.

The back surfaces of your teeth need love too. These areas are prone to plaque buildup and are often neglected. Make sure to brush the backs of your teeth with the same care and attention as the fronts.

For a truly comprehensive clean, don’t forget your tongue and cheeks. Brushing these areas helps remove bacteria that can cause bad breath and contributes to overall mouth health.

Remember, harder isn’t better when it comes to brushing. A gentle touch with a soft-bristled brush is most effective. Vigorous brushing can damage gums and enamel, so keep it soft and thorough.

We touched on replacing your toothbrush, but it bears repeating. A fresh brush with intact bristles is a cornerstone of effective brushing. If you’re using an electric toothbrush, the same rule applies to the head.

Incorporating these brushing techniques isn’t just about daily dental care; it’s about nurturing a future where your smile stays bright and your teeth stay strong. These habits are the cornerstone of a vibrant smile and lasting oral health, ensuring every brush stroke contributes to your well-being.

Choosing the Right Tools for Effective Brushing

Electric and Manual Toothbrushes

With your brushing strategy in place, it’s time to talk tools, the unsung heroes of oral hygiene. Picking the right equipment is crucial for turning good intentions into sparkling results. In Norwalk, IA, where dental health is taken seriously, finding the perfect toothbrush and floss can make all the difference.

Imagine you’re an artist: just as you need the perfect brush to bring your vision to life, the right toothbrush is key for crafting that flawless smile.

1. The Perfect Toothbrush

Not all toothbrushes are created equal. Look for one with soft bristles that can bend and flex to get into those hard-to-reach places without irritating your gums. The head of the brush should be small enough to navigate around each tooth, ensuring no surface is left untouched.

2. Electric or Manual?

It boils down to your personal comfort and dental needs. If you’ve got braces or find manual brushing a bit tough, electric toothbrushes might just be your new best friend, offering a consistent, hassle-free clean. 

But don’t underestimate the power of a manual toothbrush – with the right technique, it’s a simple tool that can keep your smile bright and healthy.

3. Floss Like a Boss

Think of floss as the trusty sidekick to your toothbrush, swooping in to tackle the hidden nooks and crannies. Gently navigating the floss between your teeth can catch and clear out those sneaky bits of food and plaque that your brush can’t quite snag.

This stealthy move is key to warding off gum disease and keeping cavities at bay, making your mouth a cleaner, happier place.

4. Rinse for the Win

Add the finishing touch to your dental arsenal with a good antimicrobial mouthwash. A daily swish can banish the remaining bacteria, adding a shield of defense for your teeth and gums while ensuring your breath stays minty fresh.

By selecting and using these tools mindfully, you’re not just cleaning your mouth; you’re protecting and enhancing your overall dental health. Each item in your dental care arsenal plays a crucial role in maintaining that healthy, happy smile we all strive for.

Understanding the Benefits of Proper Brushing

Now that we’ve equipped ourselves with the ideal dental toolkit, let’s dive into the life-changing benefits of diligent brushing. It’s more than just fighting cavities; it’s about boosting your overall health from head to toe.

Proper brushing isn’t just a task—it’s an investment in your health and happiness. Each stroke is a step toward a healthier life, proving that a good brushing routine is truly priceless.

The Impact of Brushing on Overall Health

Did you know that brushing your teeth does wonders beyond keeping your smile bright? It’s a powerhouse activity against chronic inflammation, the sneaky troublemaker behind many health issues.

Think of brushing as your daily health ritual, a moment to care for your whole self. Each stroke is a step toward preventing bigger health problems, underscoring the vital role of oral hygiene in your overall health journey.

Advanced Brushing Tips and Common Mistakes to Avoid

Brushing your teeth can be as nuanced as crafting a fine espresso. Here’s how to finesse your technique and dodge common blunders that can trip you up:

With these pro tips and a watchful eye on common pitfalls, you’re not just brushing—you’re crafting a masterpiece of oral health. It’s about being mindful and thorough, ensuring your mouth stays healthy and your smile shines.

Maintaining Consistency: Building a Brushing Routine

Consistency in brushing is like the heartbeat of oral health—it keeps everything running smoothly and your smile shining bright. For residents of Norwalk, IA, and the surrounding areas, establishing a consistent brushing routine is key to enjoying lifelong dental health and radiance.

Think of your daily brushing as essential as your morning coffee or evening wind-down; it’s a ritual that safeguards your teeth and gums, day in and day out.

Crafting this steady routine not only keeps dental troubles at a distance but also turns oral care into a seamless part of your life, ensuring your smile stays healthy and vibrant through the seasons.

Adopting a consistent brushing routine in Norwalk, IA, and the surrounding areas is more than a daily chore; it’s a celebration of your commitment to health. Each time you brush, imagine you’re laying another brick in the foundation of your lifelong well-being, supported by the dedicated team at Dimples Dental.

This isn’t just about preventing cavities; it’s about nurturing a smile that radiates health and confidence. So, treasure these moments at the sink—they’re your personal investment in a future where your smile continues to shine brightly.

Dr. Ethan Roos D.D.S., DENTIST


Dr. Roos was raised in West Des Moines, IA. He attended Valley High School and went to college at Luther College in Decorah, IA. He graduated from the University of Iowa College of Dentistry in 2004. He has attended numerous post-graduate courses in endodontics and orthodontics. He is a member of the American Dental Association, the Iowa Dental Association, and the American Orthodontic Society.

Dr. Roos is married to his wife Sara and they have 6 children. He enjoys spending time with his wife and children, gardening, landscaping, and farming with his cousin on their family farms in Avoca, IA.

Put Your Dental in Good Hands

Schedule your dental appointment today and take a proactive step towards maintaining your oral health! by calling Dimples Family Dentistry in Norwalk, IA, today at (515) 256-1176.

The Benefits of Modern Dental Fillings

Benefits of Modern Dental Fillings

From ancient beeswax to today’s advanced materials, dental fillings have transformed significantly, offering residents in Norwalk, IA, and the surrounding areas access to top-notch dental care. Embracing the benefits of modern dental fillings, patients now enjoy options that blend durability with aesthetics.

 These advancements not only repair cavities but also promote oral health, showcasing a leap towards more effective, visually appealing solutions for dental care.

The Key Benefits of Modern Dental Fillings

Image showing the benefits of modern dental fillings

In the realm of dental care, modern fillings stand out, offering a fusion of aesthetics, durability, and health benefits. Let’s explore the significant advantages these advancements bring to our dental wellness.

1. Tooth Preservation and Restoration

Modern dental fillings go beyond merely filling cavities; they are a testament to the evolution of dental care aimed at preserving natural teeth. By using materials that bond closely with the tooth structure, these fillings restore the integrity of damaged teeth, ensuring they can withstand the rigors of daily use.

This approach not only remedies the immediate issue of cavities but also contributes to the long-term health and functionality of the teeth.

2. Durability and Longevity

The materials used in modern dental fillings, such as composite resins and ceramics, are selected for their strength and longevity. These fillings can last upwards of 15 years, making them a long-term solution for dental repairs.

This durability ensures that patients can enjoy a healthy smile for years to come, with minimal need for replacement or repair.

3. Aesthetics: A Natural Look

Today’s dental fillings are designed to be as inconspicuous as possible, matching the color and texture of natural teeth. This aesthetic consideration means that fillings no longer detract from your smile but rather enhance it, ensuring that your dental work is virtually undetectable.

4. Health Benefits

Beyond aesthetics and durability, modern fillings offer significant health benefits. Materials used today can release fluoride over time, helping to prevent further decay. Additionally, the precise fit of these fillings supports the tooth structure, reducing the risk of breakage or loss.

5. Improved Functionality

Modern dental fillings restore the tooth’s functionality, allowing for normal eating and speaking without discomfort. The precision with which these fillings are applied ensures that the bite remains balanced, preventing issues with jaw alignment and wear on opposing teeth.

Understanding Dental Fillings: A Historical Perspective

Dive into the evolution of dental fillings, from ancient remedies to the cutting-edge materials we use today.

The journey of dental fillings is a fascinating tale of innovation and scientific advancement. What started as primitive attempts to combat tooth decay has transformed into a sophisticated array of solutions tailored to meet diverse needs.

This evolution reflects our growing understanding of dental health and technology’s role in enhancing it. Here’s how dental fillings have evolved: 

This historical perspective highlights not just how far dental fillings have come but also underscores the importance of ongoing innovation in dental care. 

Each advancement brings us closer to fillings that are indistinguishable from natural teeth, both in appearance and function, ensuring that dental care is more effective, comfortable, and accessible to all.

Why You Shouldn't Ignore Cavities

Neglecting cavities is a gamble with your dental well-being; early intervention through fillings is key to maintaining oral health.

Cavities might seem minor, but their impact on dental health is anything but. Left unchecked, they pave the way for extensive damage and discomfort. Here’s why addressing them early is critical:

The role of dental fillings is indispensable in halting the progression of cavities. They not only stop decay in its tracks but also alleviate discomfort and restore the tooth’s functionality. Acting promptly to fill cavities isn’t merely a preventive measure for oral health; it’s an investment in your comprehensive health and well-being.

The Advancements in Dental Fillings

Dive into the revolution of dental fillings, where cutting-edge science meets patient care, enhancing both looks and durability.

The journey of dental fillings from their humble beginnings to today’s state-of-the-art materials showcases a remarkable evolution in dentistry. With a focus on patient satisfaction and technological progress, here’s a closer look at the modern breakthroughs:

These advancements signify a leap forward in dental care, offering solutions that are not only functionally superior but also cosmetically appealing. Modern dental fillings represent a blend of science and art, ensuring that restoring your teeth no longer means compromising on aesthetics or comfort.

Choosing the Right Dental Filling

For those in Norwalk, IA, and nearby, selecting the appropriate dental filling is crucial for your oral health and overall satisfaction. Our local Dimples Dental team is here to help.

With the advancements in dental technology, choosing the right filling material has become an integral part of dental care. Your decision should be informed by several key factors, ensuring the filling not only restores your tooth but also aligns with your health, aesthetic preferences, and lifestyle. Here are the essential points to consider:

Talking to your dentist is key to picking the perfect filling material tailored to your needs. They’ll offer advice tailored to your dental health, style preferences, and any medical factors, making sure your filling not only addresses the cavity but also complements your daily life seamlessly.

Keeping Your Dental Fillings in Prime Condition

Here’s how to make sure your dental fillings stay as good as new, supporting your smile and oral health:

Caring for your dental fillings is easy with a few simple steps, helping them last longer and work better for you. Here’s your go-to guide for filling care:

By sticking to these tips, you’re not just looking out for your fillings; you’re taking a big step towards lasting dental health. Simple care routines can make a significant difference in how well your fillings protect your teeth over the years.

Wrapping Up: The Path to a Healthier Smile

As we conclude our journey through the world of dental fillings, let’s recap the essential takeaways and the steps you can take next.

Embracing modern dental fillings is more than just addressing cavities; it’s about choosing a path that leads to a healthier, more radiant smile. Here’s a quick summary of why taking action sooner rather than later is crucial:

Ready for a Brighter Smile? Visit Dimples Dental Today

Taking the first step towards a healthier smile is easy for residents of Norwalk, IA, and the surrounding areas. At Dimples Dental, we’re here to guide you through your options for dental fillings, ensuring you receive the personalized care your smile deserves. 

Whether you’re curious about the latest in filling technology or just need a routine check-up, our team is ready to help you achieve and maintain a beautiful, healthy smile.

Don’t let dental concerns hold you back. Schedule your consultation with Dimples Dental today, and take the first step towards a healthier, happier smile.
Dr. Ethan Roos D.D.S., DENTIST


Dr. Roos was raised in West Des Moines, IA. He attended Valley High School and went to college at Luther College in Decorah, IA. He graduated from the University of Iowa College of Dentistry in 2004. He has attended numerous post-graduate courses in endodontics and orthodontics. He is a member of the American Dental Association, the Iowa Dental Association, and the American Orthodontic Society.

Dr. Roos is married to his wife Sara and they have 6 children. He enjoys spending time with his wife and children, gardening, landscaping, and farming with his cousin on their family farms in Avoca, IA.

Put Your Dental in Good Hands

Schedule your dental appointment today and take a proactive step towards maintaining your oral health! by calling Dimples Family Dentistry in Norwalk, IA, today at (515) 256-1176.

I've been seeing Dr. Ethan Roos at Dimples Dentistry for over 5 years and have always been happy with the care I've received here. The staff has always been very welcoming, as if you are part of the family. I highly recommend!!

Courtney Fick

Called Dimples and wish I called them first. Their receptionist was SO kind and SO helpful. Even offered to call to have my records sent to them in hopes to save me some money from doing x rays again. She was nothing but sweet! Got me scheduled within 2 days. Went above and beyond and was kind when I arrived.

Dan and Sara Carlson

Dr. Roos and his staff are incredibly professional, kind, and knowledgeable. Their pricing is also extremely reasonable, even for those without insurance. We had an excellent experience with a dental emergency exam; they also had availability to fit us in for a routine exam and cleaning after the emergency exam.

Andrea Pabody

Check Out What Others Have To Say About Our Service

Dental Implants and Dentures

Dental Implants and Dentures

Exploring the realm of dental implants and dentures opens up a world of advanced solutions for missing teeth. Unlike conventional dentures, these modern alternatives provide enhanced comfort and functionality. They are securely anchored to the jawbone, offering a stable and natural feel. Whether you opt for fixed or removable options, each type is tailored to meet individual dental needs and preferences.

Types of Dental Implants and Dentures

When exploring dental solutions for missing teeth, it’s essential to understand the different types available and how they cater to various needs. Dental implants and dentures have evolved significantly, offering more personalized options than ever before.

1. Traditional Dentures and Their Limitations

Traditional Dentures

Traditional dentures have been a long-standing solution for missing teeth, but they come with certain limitations. While they restore the appearance of a full set of teeth, issues with comfort, oral health impact, and lifestyle adjustments are common concerns.

2. Overdentures and Partial Dentures


Overdentures and partial dentures mark a significant advancement in the field of dental prosthetics. They are not only more stable but also customized for varying degrees of tooth loss. Their design focuses on enhancing oral health and providing a comfortable, natural experience.

3. Implant-Supported Dentures: A Modern Solution

Dental implants supported overdenture.

Implant-supported dentures represent a significant leap in dental prosthetics, offering a blend of innovation and comfort for those seeking reliable tooth replacement options.

Removable vs. Fixed Implant-Supported Dentures

All-on-4® Implant Dentures Explained

Implant-supported dentures, especially the innovative All-on-4® system, have revolutionized dental restoration. They offer a more natural feel and appearance compared to traditional dentures, significantly improving the wearer’s quality of life. 

This modern solution caters to various needs, from the desire for convenience to the need for a permanent, hassle-free dental solution.

Navigating the Dental Implant and Denture Procedure in Norwalk, IA

Woman Having a Dental Checkup to Avoid Tooth Loss

Embarking on a dental implant or denture procedure is a journey towards a brighter smile, especially here in Norwalk, IA. It’s a process that combines advanced dental technology with personalized care.

Steps and Considerations for Dental Implants

After your initial personal consultation and a tailored treatment plan has been made, the next steps are as follows:

1. Preparing for Implants

Setting the Stage: Sometimes, a pre-prosthetic surgery is necessary to prepare your mouth for the implants, ensuring a strong foundation for your new teeth.

2. Placing the Dental Implants

Expert Care: The actual placement of the implants is a meticulous procedure, performed by skilled dental professionals, using state-of-the-art techniques.

3. Crafting Your New Smile

Perfect Fit: After the implants are in place, precise impressions are made. These are the blueprints for your new teeth, ensuring they fit flawlessly and look completely natural.

Denture Placement and Adjustment Process

The final step of your dental journey – the denture placement and adjustment – is approached with a blend of art and precision. This stage is crucial in ensuring your new dentures fit comfortably and function like natural teeth.

After the implants have integrated with your jawbone, your dentist will expertly place the dentures, paying close attention to the nuances of your bite and facial structure.

The adjustment process is a fine-tuning phase, where your feedback is essential. It’s all about ensuring your comfort and satisfaction with the fit and feel of your new smile. This personalized attention to detail is what makes the experience not just a medical service, but a pathway to restoring your confidence and quality of life.

Understanding the Pros and Cons of Dental Implants and Dentures

Woman with Dental Implants Smiling

When considering dental implants and dentures, it’s essential to weigh their benefits against potential risks. This balanced understanding ensures you make a choice that’s right for your oral health and lifestyle.

Why Choose Implant-Supported Solutions?

What to Consider – The Risks

The journey with dental implants and dentures is filled with significant advantages, notably their stability and lifelike appearance. However, it’s equally important to be mindful of any potential risks. 

Proper care and consistent dental check-ups are crucial in making these dental solutions not just viable but highly beneficial for those looking to improve their oral health and overall well-being.

Recovery and Maintenance of Dental Implants and Dentures

Woman Brushing her teeth gently

After receiving dental implants or dentures, the journey towards a full recovery and effective maintenance is crucial for ensuring their success and longevity.

What to Expect During Recovery

Daily Care and Eating Habits

Long-Term Care for Durability

In essence, the key to maximizing the longevity and functionality of your dental implants and dentures lies in a dedicated regimen of aftercare. Consistent dental check-ups and a thorough daily care routine are essential. 

This commitment not only extends the lifespan of your dental solutions but also plays a significant role in enhancing your overall oral wellness and day-to-day comfort.

Personalizing Your Dental Health Decision

woman mirror thinking about Dental Implants and Dentures

Choosing the right dental solution is more than just understanding the options; it’s about tailoring the choice to your unique circumstances and needs.

Tailoring to Your Needs: A Personal Assessment

Decision-Making: Implants or Dentures?

Making the right choice for your dental health involves a comprehensive personal assessment and thoughtful consideration of various factors. 

It’s a decision that should be made in consultation with dental professionals, ensuring that the chosen solution not only meets your immediate needs but also supports your long-term health and well-being.

Are You Ready to Transform Your Smile?

Dental Insurance

Transforming your smile goes beyond dental procedures; it’s a journey towards renewed self-assurance and an improved quality of life. 

At Dimples Dental in Norwalk, IA, we do more than just treat dental issues; we create smiles that truly resonate with who you are and enhance your overall well-being.

Discover the Dimples Dental Difference

At Dimples Dental, your smile journey is as unique as you are. Our dedicated team offers bespoke dental solutions, from the precision of implants to the comfort of custom dentures. 

We’re committed to understanding your needs and aspirations, ensuring every step of your dental journey is as rewarding as the outcome.

Begin with a Personal Consultation

Your path to a radiant smile starts with a simple conversation. Schedule your consultation with us and let’s explore the possibilities together. 

We’ll discuss your dental dreams, evaluate your oral health, and craft a plan that’s just right for you. It’s more than a consultation; it’s the first chapter of your new smile story.

Step into a world where dental care meets personal transformation at Dimples Dental. Our patients aren’t just clients; they’re part of a community where every smile tells a story of success and satisfaction. 

In Norwalk, IA, we’re not just changing smiles; we’re changing lives. Let your smile be the next success story.

Dr. Ethan Roos D.D.S., DENTIST


Dr. Roos was raised in West Des Moines, IA. He attended Valley High School and went to college at Luther College in Decorah, IA. He graduated from the University of Iowa College of Dentistry in 2004. He has attended numerous post-graduate courses in endodontics and orthodontics. He is a member of the American Dental Association, the Iowa Dental Association, and the American Orthodontic Society.

Dr. Roos is married to his wife Sara and they have 6 children. He enjoys spending time with his wife and children, gardening, landscaping, and farming with his cousin on their family farms in Avoca, IA.

Put Your Dental in Good Hands

Schedule your dental appointment today and take a proactive step towards maintaining your oral health! by calling Dimples Family Dentistry in Norwalk, IA, today at (515) 256-1176.

I've been seeing Dr. Ethan Roos at Dimples Dentistry for over 5 years and have always been happy with the care I've received here. The staff has always been very welcoming, as if you are part of the family. I highly recommend!!

Courtney Fick

Called Dimples and wish I called them first. Their receptionist was SO kind and SO helpful. Even offered to call to have my records sent to them in hopes to save me some money from doing x rays again. She was nothing but sweet! Got me scheduled within 2 days. Went above and beyond and was kind when I arrived.

Dan and Sara Carlson

Dr. Roos and his staff are incredibly professional, kind, and knowledgeable. Their pricing is also extremely reasonable, even for those without insurance. We had an excellent experience with a dental emergency exam; they also had availability to fit us in for a routine exam and cleaning after the emergency exam.

Andrea Pabody

Check Out What Others Have To Say About Our Service

How To Avoid Tooth Loss​

How To Avoid Tooth Loss

Losing teeth is a concern no one looks forward to – it impacts your smile, and the way you enjoy meals, and often leads to extensive dental procedures. Fortunately, most reasons behind tooth loss are preventable. This guide offers essential insights and practical steps on how to avoid tooth loss, ensuring a healthy, confident smile for life.

Understanding the Causes of Tooth Loss

Tooth loss is often preventable, and being aware of its causes is a crucial step towards prevention. Let’s explore the primary factors:

Recognizing these key contributors enables you to actively engage in preserving your oral health, ensuring your smile remains healthy and vibrant.

How to Avoid Tooth Loss - Essential Preventive Measures

Woman Having a Dental Checkup to Avoid Tooth Loss

1. Regular Brushing and Flossing

Maintaining a robust oral hygiene routine is pivotal in the fight against tooth loss. Engaging in thorough brushing twice daily using fluoride toothpaste helps in eradicating bacteria and food remnants that contribute to tooth decay.

Equally important is flossing, which targets the hidden nooks between teeth and beneath the gum line, areas often missed by brushing. 

This combination of oral care practices is more than just a cleanliness ritual; it’s a critical defense against gum diseases, which are leading factors in tooth loss. The effectiveness of these habits lies in their regularity, forming a protective shield for your dental well-being.

2. Regular Dental Check-Ups

Regular dental check-ups are a cornerstone of preventing tooth loss. These visits are not just about cleaning; they’re crucial for early detection of potential issues like cavities, gum disease, or even early signs of tooth decay.

Dentists can spot problems long before they become serious, allowing for timely and less invasive treatments. Moreover, professional cleanings during these visits help remove tartar build-up, which is impossible to clean with regular brushing and flossing alone.

By scheduling regular check-ups, you’re taking a proactive step in preserving your dental health, ensuring minor issues don’t escalate into tooth loss.

3. Dietary Choices and Their Impact on Dental Health

What you consume daily is crucial for your dental well-being and in preventing tooth loss. Here’s a tailored approach to your diet:

Adapting these dietary habits can greatly enhance your dental health and help you maintain a strong, healthy smile.

4. The Risks of Tobacco for Oral Health

Tobacco use, whether smoking or chewing, poses serious risks to oral health, significantly increasing the likelihood of tooth loss. It’s not just about stained teeth; tobacco interferes with the normal function of gum tissue cells, exacerbating the risk of periodontal diseases.

These diseases are among the leading causes of tooth loss. Additionally, tobacco use hinders blood flow to the gums, impeding healing and making the mouth more susceptible to infections.

Quitting tobacco can be a game-changer for your oral health, dramatically reducing these risks and contributing to the longevity of your teeth.

5. The Role of Fluoride to Avoid Tooth Decay

Fluoride serves as a vital guard in the fight against tooth decay. Here’s its role:

Integrating fluoride into your oral hygiene regimen is a straightforward yet impactful measure to keep your teeth decay-free.

Advanced Tips for Maintaining Dental Health

Woman Having Healthy Teeth

Moving beyond just brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups, there are further strategies to enhance your dental health. A comprehensive approach to oral care includes a broader look at your lifestyle choices.

Hydration plays a key role; consistently drinking water aids in clearing away residual food and bacteria in the mouth. Managing stress is equally important, as high-stress levels often contribute to teeth grinding, known as bruxism, which can wear down teeth.

Including teeth-beneficial nutrients in your diet, like Vitamin D and calcium, is essential for maintaining strong teeth and healthy gums. Also, being conscious about snacking habits, particularly reducing frequent consumption of sweets and acidic foods, helps in lowering the chances of tooth decay and periodontal issues.

Adopting these enhanced oral health practices, along with your standard dental care routine, creates a robust defense for your overall dental well-being.

Professional and Home Care Solutions for Tooth Loss

Woman Brushing her teeth

Modern Dental Treatments for Tooth Loss

Today’s dentistry offers several effective treatments for tooth loss:

At-Home Care Practices to Strengthen Teeth

Fortifying your teeth at home involves several key strategies beyond basic cleaning:

Choosing Dental Care Products Wisely

Dental Care Products

In the realm of oral hygiene, the right tools make all the difference. Seek toothbrushes with gentle bristles to clean without irritating gums.

Fluoride toothpaste is a cornerstone for enamel health, fortifying teeth against decay. For mouth rinses, choose alcohol-free options to avoid drying out your mouth, which is vital for a balanced oral ecosystem.

Your dental product selection should be a reflection of your personal oral health needs, addressing specific concerns like sensitivity or gum care.

Remember, the effectiveness of your dental regimen is anchored in using products that are specifically suited to your oral health profile and using them consistently.

The Role of Dental Insurance and Care Providers

Dental Insurance

Good oral health isn’t just about daily brushing and flossing; it also involves making smart choices about dental insurance and your dentist. 

Dental insurance can be a lifesaver, making regular dental visits and treatments more affordable. It’s not just about cost; it’s about keeping your teeth healthy without financial stress.

When it comes to choosing a dentist, think of it as picking a health ally. A great dentist offers more than treatment; they provide guidance and support for your lifelong dental journey. In short, the right insurance plan and a trustworthy dentist are key ingredients in your recipe for dental well-being.

Embrace a Brighter Smile with Dimples Dental!

To wrap up, optimal dental health is more than just routine brushing and flossing. It involves a deep understanding of tooth loss prevention, a holistic approach to oral care, wise choices in dental products, and the invaluable support of professional dental services and insurance.

Cultivating a healthier smile is a journey that combines your own diligent care with professional expertise. We encourage you to actively engage in protecting and enhancing your dental health.

For personalized and comprehensive dental services, turn to Dimples Dental. Our dedicated professionals are here to support you in achieving a radiant and enduring smile. Embark on your path to dental wellness with us, where your smile is not just an aspect of beauty, but a reflection of your overall health.

How To Avoid Tooth Loss
Dr. Ethan Roos D.D.S., DENTIST


Dr. Roos was raised in West Des Moines, IA. He attended Valley High School and went to college at Luther College in Decorah, IA. He graduated from the University of Iowa College of Dentistry in 2004. He has attended numerous post-graduate courses in endodontics and orthodontics. He is a member of the American Dental Association, the Iowa Dental Association, and the American Orthodontic Society.

Dr. Roos is married to his wife Sara and they have 6 children. He enjoys spending time with his wife and children, gardening, landscaping, and farming with his cousin on their family farms in Avoca, IA.

Put Your Dental in Good Hands

Schedule your dental appointment today and take a proactive step towards maintaining your oral health! by calling Dimples Family Dentistry in Norwalk, IA, today at (515) 256-1176.

I've been seeing Dr. Ethan Roos at Dimples Dentistry for over 5 years and have always been happy with the care I've received here. The staff has always been very welcoming, as if you are part of the family. I highly recommend!!

Courtney Fick

Called Dimples and wish I called them first. Their receptionist was SO kind and SO helpful. Even offered to call to have my records sent to them in hopes to save me some money from doing x rays again. She was nothing but sweet! Got me scheduled within 2 days. Went above and beyond and was kind when I arrived.

Dan and Sara Carlson

Dr. Roos and his staff are incredibly professional, kind, and knowledgeable. Their pricing is also extremely reasonable, even for those without insurance. We had an excellent experience with a dental emergency exam; they also had availability to fit us in for a routine exam and cleaning after the emergency exam.

Andrea Pabody

Check Out What Others Have To Say About Our Service

How Do I Prevent Tooth Decay?

How Do I Prevent Tooth Decay?

Tooth decay, a common yet preventable dental issue, primarily affects the tooth’s enamel and dentin, the layers that safeguard our smiles. It begins when the remnants of carbohydrate-rich foods, such as sugary snacks, fruits, or even bread, linger on our teeth.

When carbohydrates from our diet, such as sugars and starches, remain on our teeth, they set the stage for tooth decay. This happens as oral bacteria metabolize these carbs, producing acids in the process. 

These acids, combined with saliva, food particles, and bacteria, form a sticky substance called plaque. This plaque clings to the teeth, and its acidic nature begins to wear down the tooth’s protective enamel, gradually leading to the formation of cavities – the telltale signs of tooth decay.

Comprehensive Dental Care for Tooth Decay Prevention

Achieving and maintaining dental health involves a multifaceted approach. Here are some key practices to consider:

Incorporating these practices into your daily life is a proactive step towards safeguarding your dental health. By embracing these habits, you can effectively lower the risk of tooth decay and ensure the enduring vitality of your smile.

Regular Dental Check-Ups

Emphasizing the value of consistent dental visits is crucial. These check-ups go beyond basic cleaning; they are pivotal moments for early detection of dental issues, including the onset of cavities. 

During these visits, dentists not only address current dental concerns but also provide tailored guidance on how to optimize your oral care routine, ensuring your efforts at home are as effective as they can be.

Daily Oral Hygiene Practices

Establishing and adhering to a comprehensive daily oral hygiene regimen is fundamental in the fight against tooth decay. Effective oral care involves more than the standard twice-a-day brushing.

It includes diligent flossing to eliminate hidden plaque and food remnants in areas your brush may miss. 

Integrating a fluoride-rich toothpaste and an antibacterial mouthwash into your routine can significantly bolster your oral defense. Consistently practicing these steps is the bedrock of maintaining enduring dental health.

Understanding Tooth Decay

How Do I Prevent Tooth Decay?

Tooth decay is not just a surface-level problem; it’s a complex condition that can have far-reaching effects on overall dental health. At its core, tooth decay is a bacterial infection that can compromise the integrity of the tooth and, if untreated, lead to more serious conditions.

The process of decay begins microscopically. The enamel, though the hardest substance in the human body, is not impervious. Microscopic pits and fissures on the enamel surface can harbor bacterial colonies. When these bacteria metabolize sugars from our diet, they produce acid that gradually erodes the enamel. This erosion can create tiny openings in the enamel, providing a pathway for bacteria to reach the more vulnerable dentin layer beneath.

How Do I Prevent Tooth Decay?

The journey of tooth decay from the hard enamel to the softer dentin is a pivotal phase in dental health. Dentin, being more porous and less dense than enamel, is more vulnerable to bacterial invasion and acid damage.

This vulnerability accelerates the decay process within the tooth. When decay penetrates through to the inner pulp, which houses nerves and blood vessels, it can result in discomforts like toothaches, increased sensitivity, and in severe cases, lead to the formation of abscesses.

Grasping the progression of tooth decay is vital for timely and effective dental care. It goes beyond merely filling cavities; it’s about intercepting the decay at its nascent stage to preserve the tooth’s structure and ensure its longevity. 

This proactive approach is key to maintaining not just the health of individual teeth, but overall oral wellness.

Early Signs and Symptoms of Tooth Decay

Identifying tooth decay in its early stages is key to preventing more serious dental issues. Here are some signs to watch out for:

Should you encounter any of these indicators, it’s prudent to schedule a dental examination. Catching tooth decay early is crucial; prompt intervention can halt its progression and potentially avert more invasive dental treatments.

Diet and Tooth Decay

Kid eating candy

Exploring the intricate link between what we eat and our dental health reveals much about tooth decay prevention. Our daily diet doesn’t just nourish us; it also interacts with our oral environment.

Foods high in sugars and acids unwittingly feed the bacteria that lead to tooth decay. These bacteria metabolize these elements, producing acids that erode the protective enamel of our teeth, a primary factor in cavity formation.

Conversely, embracing a diet that includes nutrient-dense foods provides the necessary building blocks for strong teeth, playing a pivotal role in maintaining dental resilience and health.

Foods to Avoid

For healthier teeth, it’s essential to be cautious about certain types of food. Items laden with sugar, such as confectioneries, sodas, and sugary cereals, are known to fuel the bacteria responsible for tooth decay.

Acidic foods, including citrus fruits and vinegar-based dressings, can weaken and erode enamel over time.

Starchy snacks, which can break down into sugars in the mouth, also pose a risk by sticking to and between teeth, creating a breeding ground for bacteria.

Tooth-Healthy Foods and Drinks

A diet that favors dental health includes foods that strengthen and protect your teeth. Calcium-rich choices, like dairy, broccoli, and fortified plant-based milks, are excellent for reinforcing enamel.

Foods that encourage saliva production, such as crunchy fruits and vegetables, help in naturally cleaning the teeth surfaces. Hydration is key too; drinking water, particularly fluoridated water, aids in washing away residual food particles and bacteria.

Including phosphorus-rich foods like poultry and fish, and vitamin C-rich fruits for gum health, can also contribute positively to your oral hygiene routine.

The Role of Fluoride in Preventing Tooth Decay

fluoride toothpaste

Fluoride stands as a formidable defender in oral health, naturally enhancing the resilience of our teeth.

Its primary role is to fortify the enamel, our teeth’s first line of defense, making it tougher against the erosive action of acids from plaque and sugars. More than just a shield, fluoride actively repairs minor early decay before it progresses into a cavity.

Regular use of fluoride-enriched toothpaste and drinking fluoridated water are simple yet effective ways to harness this mineral’s protective power, keeping our teeth robust and cavity-resistant.

Advanced Treatments and Solutions for Tooth Decay

In the realm of dental care, innovative treatments for tooth decay have transformed patient experiences.

Modern dentistry offers a spectrum of solutions, from minimally invasive fillings to more comprehensive options like inlays, onlays, and crowns, tailored to preserve natural tooth structure.

For advanced decay, treatments such as root canals and implants are pivotal, ensuring that even severely affected teeth can be saved or aesthetically replaced, maintaining both functionality and oral health.

Innovative Dental Technologies

Recent advancements in dental technology are revolutionizing how we approach oral health care.

Digital dentistry, including 3D imaging, allows for precise diagnosis and customized treatment plans. Laser technology in cavity treatment and gum care provides a less invasive, more comfortable patient experience.

Furthermore, the development of new biocompatible materials for fillings and restorations is enhancing the durability and compatibility of dental treatments.

Myths and Misconceptions about Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is often shrouded in myths that can lead to confusion about proper dental care.

One common misconception is that sugar is the sole cause of cavities. While sugar plays a role, it’s actually the acid produced by bacteria feeding on sugar that leads to decay.

Another myth is that cavities are only a concern for children. In reality, adults are equally at risk, especially with receding gums exposing the roots to plaque.

Understanding these truths is vital for effective dental care.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Answer: Our teeth are protected by a strong outer layer of tooth enamel. A cavity can form once bacteria bypasses this layer, typically as a result pf injury o the tooth or simply poor oral hygiene. Once bacteria reach the layers of dentin beneath the enamel, the cavity can form will continue to grow worse until treated.

Answer: Patients may initially notice tooth sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures, as well as toothaches that don’t subside after 48 hours. If you have pain in your tooth, then see your dentist right away. We can perform a diagnosis to see if you require treatment or not.

Answer: Remember, the decay only grows worse, eventually allowing bacteria to come into contact with the inner pulp, where an infection or abscess can form. The tooth will then require a root canal and if not treated in a timely manner, could need to be removed to prevent the spread of infection to surrounding teeth or into the jawbone itself.

Answer: First, remember that foods and drinks high in sugar and promote cavities, so try cutting back. We also recommend brushing your teeth twice a day and making sure your floss thoroughly before going to bed. You also need to have your teeth examined and cleaned once every six months. If you have any questions about avoiding tooth decay then please contact our team today.

Get Expert Dental Care at Dimples Dental

At Dimples Dental, we pride ourselves on delivering exceptional dental services with a personal touch. Our skilled team combines their deep expertise with the latest in dental technology to offer comprehensive care tailored to each individual.

From preventive maintenance to cutting-edge treatments and aesthetic dentistry, we are committed to enhancing and preserving your oral health. Choose Dimples Dental for a dental experience that prioritizes not just your teeth, but your overall health and happiness. Join us on a journey to brighter smiles and healthier lives.

How Do I Prevent Tooth Decay?
Dr. Ethan Roos D.D.S., DENTIST


Dr. Roos was raised in West Des Moines, IA. He attended Valley High School and went to college at Luther College in Decorah, IA. He graduated from the University of Iowa College of Dentistry in 2004. He has attended numerous post-graduate courses in endodontics and orthodontics. He is a member of the American Dental Association, the Iowa Dental Association, and the American Orthodontic Society.

Dr. Roos is married to his wife Sara and they have 6 children. He enjoys spending time with his wife and children, gardening, landscaping, and farming with his cousin on their family farms in Avoca, IA.

Put Your Dental in Good Hands

Schedule your dental appointment today and take a proactive step towards maintaining your oral health! by calling Dimples Family Dentistry in Norwalk, IA, today at (515) 256-1176.

I've been seeing Dr. Ethan Roos at Dimples Dentistry for over 5 years and have always been happy with the care I've received here. The staff has always been very welcoming, as if you are part of the family. I highly recommend!!

Courtney Fick

Called Dimples and wish I called them first. Their receptionist was SO kind and SO helpful. Even offered to call to have my records sent to them in hopes to save me some money from doing x rays again. She was nothing but sweet! Got me scheduled within 2 days. Went above and beyond and was kind when I arrived.

Dan and Sara Carlson

Dr. Roos and his staff are incredibly professional, kind, and knowledgeable. Their pricing is also extremely reasonable, even for those without insurance. We had an excellent experience with a dental emergency exam; they also had availability to fit us in for a routine exam and cleaning after the emergency exam.

Andrea Pabody

Check Out What Others Have To Say About Our Service

Save Your Tooth With Root Canal Therapy

Save Your Tooth With Root Canal Therapy

Your teeth are far more intricate than mere food grinders. Did you know the roots of your teeth play a crucial role in your oral health? They anchor your teeth in your jawbone and house canals filled with essential nerves and blood vessels. 

But when a root infection strikes, it jeopardizes not just the tooth but your overall oral health. In this article, find out how you can save a tooth with the help of root canal therapy.

Benefits of Root Canal Therapy

Procedure Details

During the root canal therapy, your dentist will drill a small hole to access the roots of the affected tooth. Once inside, they will meticulously remove the bacteria and infection. To complete the procedure, the hole is then filled with a biocompatible material, serving as a protective shield against future damage.

Without Root Canal Therapy, You May Lose the Tooth

Tooth loss is caused primarily by physical accidents and decay. Many people manage to go their whole lives without knocking their teeth out of their mouths. However, if you don’t take care of your teeth at home, you could still lose them

When bacteria build up over time, they wear away at your teeth and can cause damage so severe that the tooth is no longer viable. If your dentist recommends a root canal, you need to get this procedure scheduled as soon as possible, because you’ve got serious damage happening.

Ready for a Pain-Free Root Canal? Choose Dimples Dental

At Dimples Dental, we don’t just treat teeth; we care for people. Our welcoming environment ensures you’re not just another patient but an individual deserving of personalized care. Dr. Roos and our dedicated team are here to guide you every step of the way.

Why Choose Dimples Dental?

Don’t compromise on your oral health. Schedule your root canal consultation with Dimples Dental today and take the first step towards a healthier, happier smile.

Dr. Ethan Roos D.D.S., DENTIST


Dr. Roos was raised in West Des Moines, IA. He attended Valley High School and went to college at Luther College in Decorah, IA. He graduated from the University of Iowa College of Dentistry in 2004. He has attended numerous post-graduate courses in endodontics and orthodontics. He is a member of the American Dental Association, the Iowa Dental Association, and the American Orthodontic Society.

Dr. Roos is married to his wife Sara and they have 6 children. He enjoys spending time with his wife and children, gardening, landscaping, and farming with his cousin on their family farms in Avoca, IA.

Put Your Dental in Good Hands

Schedule your dental appointment today and take a proactive step towards maintaining your oral health! by calling Dimples Family Dentistry in Norwalk, IA, today at (515) 256-1176.

I've been seeing Dr. Ethan Roos at Dimples Dentistry for over 5 years and have always been happy with the care I've received here. The staff has always been very welcoming, as if you are part of the family. I highly recommend!!

Courtney Fick

Called Dimples and wish I called them first. Their receptionist was SO kind and SO helpful. Even offered to call to have my records sent to them in hopes to save me some money from doing x rays again. She was nothing but sweet! Got me scheduled within 2 days. Went above and beyond and was kind when I arrived.

Dan and Sara Carlson

Dr. Roos and his staff are incredibly professional, kind, and knowledgeable. Their pricing is also extremely reasonable, even for those without insurance. We had an excellent experience with a dental emergency exam; they also had availability to fit us in for a routine exam and cleaning after the emergency exam.

Andrea Pabody

Check Out What Others Have To Say About Our Service

Benefits of Teeth Whitening

Benefits of Teeth Whitening

You may have heard about teeth whitening before, or seen commercials for over-the-counter products. However, the best options come from the professionals. Your dentist can provide you with a high-quality whitening experience that yields better results than over-the-counter strips. If you’re considering the benefits of teeth whitening, now’s the time to talk to your dentist. You may be surprised by how much you could benefit from a professional whitening treatment.

Key Benefits of Teeth Whitening:

A dazzling smile isn’t just about looks; it’s a confidence booster that can transform your social and professional life.

Forget the risks of DIY kits; professional teeth whitening is supervised by experts who ensure the procedure is safe and comfortable for you.

Say goodbye to one-size-fits-all solutions. Your dentist will customize the treatment based on your specific needs and tooth sensitivity.

With proper care, the results of a professional whitening session can last for years, making it a wise investment in your smile.

Teeth whitening helps remove the stains that naturally occur on the enamel of teeth. If you’ve ever wished that your teeth didn’t have a yellow hue, or if you feel self-conscious about smiling in public, maybe it’s time to try whitening. Are you curious about teeth whitening? If so, now’s the time to talk to your dentist. You may be surprised by how much you could benefit from teeth whitening.

Most Adults Can Benefit from Teeth Whitening

Imagine walking into a room, your smile lighting up the space before you even say a word. For most adults, this isn’t just a daydream—it’s a very achievable reality. Teeth whitening offers more than just a cosmetic upgrade; it’s a ticket to renewed self-confidence and overall well-being. In the next few paragraphs, we’ll delve into the compelling reasons why teeth whitening is a beneficial choice for most adults.

A brighter smile can significantly boost your self-confidence, making you more willing to smile, laugh, and engage in social interactions.

First impressions often last, and a radiant smile can make a memorable impact, whether in a job interview, a date, or a casual meeting.

The allure of sustaining your freshly brightened smile can serve as a catalyst for enhanced dental care routines, thereby lowering the likelihood of encountering oral health problems.

A luminous smile naturally shifts focus away from facial wrinkles and fine lines, contributing to a rejuvenated look.

Professional teeth whitening is a quick procedure, often taking less than an hour, but the results can last for a long time with proper care.

Teeth Whitening Treatments from Your Dentist Work Best

While you can find over-the-counter packaged whitening products, your best option is to talk to your dentist. Your dentist may even give you a take-home kit, based on what works best for your schedule. Whitening typically includes the application of a whitening gel, treatment with a light, and then whitening trays, which you would take home with you. You can use the trays for a couple hours at a time, based on your schedule, and in just a few weeks, you’ll notice a significantly brighter smile.

Talk to Dimples Dental About Zoom! Whitening Treatment

Dimples Dental is proud to offer an advanced whitening system that delivers remarkable results, even on the most stubborn stains. Achieve a radiant smile that not only boosts your confidence but also enhances your overall well-being. Book your consultation with Dr. Roos and the Dimples Dental team now to experience the transformative Benefits of Teeth Whitening.

Benefits of Teeth Whitening
Dr. Ethan Roos D.D.S., DENTIST


Dr. Roos was raised in West Des Moines, IA. He attended Valley High School and went to college at Luther College in Decorah, IA. He graduated from the University of Iowa College of Dentistry in 2004. He has attended numerous post-graduate courses in endodontics and orthodontics. He is a member of the American Dental Association, the Iowa Dental Association, and the American Orthodontic Society.

Dr. Roos is married to his wife Sara and they have 6 children. He enjoys spending time with his wife and children, gardening, landscaping, and farming with his cousin on their family farms in Avoca, IA.

Put Your Dental in Good Hands

Schedule your dental appointment today and take a proactive step towards maintaining your oral health! by calling Dimples Family Dentistry in Norwalk, IA, today at (515) 256-1176.

I've been seeing Dr. Ethan Roos at Dimples Dentistry for over 5 years and have always been happy with the care I've received here. The staff has always been very welcoming, as if you are part of the family. I highly recommend!!

Courtney Fick

Called Dimples and wish I called them first. Their receptionist was SO kind and SO helpful. Even offered to call to have my records sent to them in hopes to save me some money from doing x rays again. She was nothing but sweet! Got me scheduled within 2 days. Went above and beyond and was kind when I arrived.

Dan and Sara Carlson

Dr. Roos and his staff are incredibly professional, kind, and knowledgeable. Their pricing is also extremely reasonable, even for those without insurance. We had an excellent experience with a dental emergency exam; they also had availability to fit us in for a routine exam and cleaning after the emergency exam.

Andrea Pabody

Check Out What Others Have To Say About Our Service